6 Great Benifits of Travel

Travel is fun. It is a fantastic adventure. More than that, however, travel can enrich your life in numerous ways. Heading out into the wild, taking to the open road or embarking on a journey to another country is so much more than just a good time..

1. Expose Yourself to Different Cultures

The world contains a rich array of people and cultures. Exploring a new country exposes you to another set of cultural traditions. Taking a Japan cruise provides you with an opportunity to learn about the lives and values of a unique culture with a deep history. Through gaining new understandings about people whose lives are different from your own, you might develop an appreciation for the diversity that exists even in your own city. 

2. Learn a New Language 

If you have always wanted to learn a new language, planning and taking a trip to a foreign country provides you a great reason to start! There are a number of language learning programs out there. Look for one that is centered on conversational language or specifically cater to travelers. In either case, you will find yourself better prepared to communicate with the locals when your plane touches ground in a different country. The locals will appreciate your efforts, and you will enjoy the opportunity to practice your novel skills in a much more exciting environment than a classroom..

3. Please Your Palate 

Another benefit that comes from journeying to new lands is the opportunity to try an entirely different cuisine than what you serve at your own dinner table. Give your sense of taste a sense of adventure and discover a rich variety of spices and flavor combinations that will please your palate. You might even be motivated to try your hand at recreating the dishes back home. Taking a break from your normal routines can include taking a break from your usual eating habits and self-imposed dietary restrictions. Go ahead, be bad, and have that deliciously indulgent dessert after you finish your meal. You can always walk off those calories by trekking about town.. 

4. Grow Your Knowledge

Immersing yourself in a new place allows you the opportunity to learn more about a wide variety of topics, from history to geography to cultural practices to economics. Learning by doing increases people’s understanding of new information. You can learn more from the experiences of travel than you learn from reading a book on any relevant subject. The concept of experiential travel takes it one step further. Experiential travel requires a person to slow down and become a part of the place, reveling in depth over breadth..

5. Spark Inner Creativity 

Discovering new places can spark your creative side. The oftentimes stagnant and redundant routines of normal life bog down people’s brains and inhibit imagination. Extracting yourself from the norm can free up the mind and allow for the creative juices to flow. Stunning natural beauty, impressive architecture and novel customs can provide endless inspiration for creative endeavors in art and innovation alike.  

6. Make New Friends 

Taking yourself out of your familiar inner circle of friends and family opens you up to meeting new people. Going to new places often forces you to talk to strangers, whether to ask for directions when you find you are lost or to ask for recommendations on the best restaurants in the area. This is especially true for solo travelers, but only if you are open to getting out and exploring. It has been found that people are more likely to approach solo travelers to strike up conversation than they are to groups of two or more. If you are traveling in a group, don’t be shy about engaging with locals or other travelers. You might just find new lifelong friends.. 

Few would argue the joys travel can bring to anyone’s life, but the benefits of travel extend beyond the immediate pleasure of the trip. There is much to be gained from taking the journey you have been dreaming of. Feel free to indulge, guilt-free, knowing that when you return home, you will be richer than when you left..
